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Forde Fitness - workouts





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



聯絡地址:MINDBODY, Inc. 4051 Broad Street, Suite 220 San Luis Obispo, California 93401

Forde Fitness - workouts(圖1)-速報App

Forde Fitness redefines what a workout can be. We believe that fitness can be an experience. Together we sweat, torch calories, laugh, kick ***, break through fitness plateaus and relief daily stress while empowering ourselves to be better.

*Evolve your body*

We offer total body workouts with intervals of High Intensity Training (HIIT) that include both resistance and cardio are proven to be most effective. Experience lean muscle growth, achieve personal bests, become a cardio killer and easily perform daily activities with our functional training module while having a blast.

*Find yourself*

A full body workout targets the heart, soul and mind. Through open spaces, uplifting trainers, boundary pushing and the strength of community, we empower from within. Free your mind, clear your head and let yourself go. Loose yourself and find yourself. Forde Fitness doesn’t just change bodies, we help you relief every day stress and gain strength that lasts beyond. We want to have a positive impact on your daily life. We want the 60 minutes you spend with us to the best part of your day.

*What are our classes like?*

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Our group sessions are 60 minutes and include a warm up and cool down stretch. Sessions employ a dynamic circuit training format and a community based approach to conquering challenges regardless of individual fitness levels. Combining elements of speed, agility, high performance, power and strength training each course is designed to motivate, exhaust and fulfill. We bring together a kick *** group exercise experience with personal attention similar to an intimate personal training session. Our fitness experts modify exercises, adjust weight loads and demonstrate alternative work outs that vary in intensity and difficulty to challenge individual fitness levels.



- Easily create a Forde Fitness account or sign in with an existing account.

- View class schedules, sign-up for classes, view ongoing promotions, as well as view the studio’s location (currently only available in Berlin) and contact information.

Join us, and let's redefine fitness together.

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Want to find out more? Give us a shout at http://www.forde-fitness.com/contact/.

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